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Prosock Machine Shop Talk

July 7, 2009

NTMA/PMA One Voice is working for the machining industry in Washington.

Filed under: Prosock Machine Shop talk — Tags: , , , , — admin @ 3:52 pm

There is a lot of buzz and speculation about the introduction of the cap and trade laws.  Many speculate that it will be a job killer and open up the necessity for deep cuts in manufacturing, which in turn will impact the machining industry.  Here’s a recent article that may be of interest to you.  Is your machine shop at risk?

On June 26, the House passed a cap and trade bill that is expected to dramatically increase the cost of energy. The American Clean Energy and Security Act (H.R. 2454) establishes an economy-wide cap on carbon emissions and creates emissions credits. Companies would then buy and sell credits to emit more carbon. The goal is to force the economy to use renewable energy sources by increasing the cost of traditional sources. Many of the alternative sources have yet to be invented or discovered.

Manufacturers are concerned about the impact of skyrocketing energy prices in America. Many fear that the energy tax would force companies to outsource work to low-cost Asian countries such as China and India.

NTMA/PMA One Voice lobbied aggressively to prevent the passage of cap and trade, however, it passed by a narrow margin, with more than 40 Democrats voting against the bill. To see how members of Congress voted on this legislation, click here.

The Senate is expected to consider cap and trade this summer. One Voice will continue to lobby against this job-killing legislation. You can tell your Senators to vote against cap and trade by clicking here.

June 9, 2009

Machine Shops Forgotten?

There is much debate swarming in virtual every circle concerning the bailout of big auto.  Some feel its time for business attrition and natural selection to deem the big auto dinosaur no longer suitable for life in the business evolutionary life change. There is a reason for survival of the fittest – let nature take its course. It served its purpose.  Have we not evolved passed big union bosses, endless inefficiencies of middle management and a business model lost in port and perks?  Have we not learned a lesson from Bethlehem Steel?  The company imploded from within.  The world changed, they didn’t evolve – extinction was inevitable.

On the other hand, many feel that a government bailout is necessary for the good of the country.  Not just a hand out with no strings, but a bail out, complete with a swift kick in the corporate butt for their complete irresponsibility.  Believe it or not the government can help in ways that are responsible.  As long as this administration understands they can’t mandate day to day operations or have in had in the lasted contour aesthetics of a corvette, it can work.  The government can should provide accountability and set standards that will make them squeal.  When Kennedy challenged US industry to put a man and the moon by the end or the decade, it was deemed impossible by many at the time.  Necessity was the mother of invention.  His vision became reality. The auto industry finds itself in a similar situation and to succeed it will have to create more fuel efficient cars that are affordable.  The government must hold their feet to the fire and insist on these results.  Personally, I think this could be a great moment for big auto.  We all need to be humbled from time to time.

And for the sake of us all, I hope I’m right.  Hundreds of Tier 1 and Tier 2 supplies depend on an optimistic scenario.  Our machine shop isn’t heavily vested in the automotive industry, but many are.  We are often left out of the mix.  The news will speak of the 80,000 GM workers loosing their jobs, but neglect to mention the thousands of other jobs that will be lost if there is a collapse in big auto.  Jobs like mine and yours.

The Precision Metalforming Association (PMA) and the National Tooling & Machining Association (NTMA) have raised their voice on this issue.

“Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers need relief and a crucial element is for the government and courts to provide a ’safe passage’ mechanism for our tooling receivables through the Tier 1 suppliers during this bankruptcy,” said NTMA Chief Operating Officer Rob Akers. “Bankruptcy protection for GM must not be confined to guarantees for GM and its Tier 1 suppliers. The fate of tens of thousands of workers spread throughout the supply chain – and throughout thousands of communities across the United States – depends on fair treatment by GM, the U.S. government and bankruptcy courts.”

“Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers need relief and a crucial element is for the government and courts to provide a ’safe passage’ mechanism for our tooling receivables through the Tier 1 suppliers during this bankruptcy,” said NTMA Chief Operating Officer Rob Akers. “Bankruptcy protection for GM must not be confined to guarantees for GM and its Tier 1 suppliers. The fate of tens of thousands of workers spread throughout the supply chain – and throughout thousands of communities across the United States – depends on fair treatment by GM, the U.S. government and bankruptcy courts.”

“The federal government has spent hundreds of billions of dollars extending support to financial institutions, General Motors, Chrysler and large Tier 1 companies, but the benefits have yet to trickle down to the Tier 2 and Tier 3 supply chain companies,” said PMA President William Gaskin. “We are not asking for a bailout. We are only asking that the government and the courts ensure that GM and its Tier 1 suppliers pay the money that is owed to Tier 2 and 3 companies.

Machine shops and small size manufactures are vital links for the recovery plan of GM.  They cannot succeed without us.  “A recovery plan for GM is simply not viable unless the entire automotive supply chain not just the Big 3 and the Tier 1 supplier’s is taken into account.” said Gaskin.

I don’t think anyone in the precision machining industry is looking for a “hand out,” but a well planned and implemented “hand up” is not only appropriate but the right thing to do.  Don’t’ you think?

May 7, 2009

John Prosock Machine Exhibits at Design 2 Part Expo

Back on April 21st and 22nd, several of us from John Prosock Machine were exhibitors at the Valley Forge Design 2 Part expo.At this expo, we had the opportunity to get in front of numerous quality engineers, purchasing personnel and top administrators from the key OEMs in the Northeast.Overall, we felt that the show exceeded our expectations.We were able to discuss with dozens of potential customers the CNC mill and lathe capability of our precision machine shop.We came away with over 40 solid prospects that we are now seeking to turn into satisfied customers for our machine shop.

Even in the midst of the economic downturn companies were out in force.For many the economic strain is forcing them to rethink their supply chains and make sure they are getting the best pricing for their outsourced machining.

The fun part for us was to meet a bunch of very interesting people in the manufacturing world.Our industry is full of the best of the best.

Design 2 Part has been organizing large scale events like these for over 30 years.Machine shops, manufacturing companies and suppliers of all kinds have found this opportunity a key to garnering new business for their companies.Over 80% of the companies that exhibit at the expo return for more shows.They have been driving business to their exhibitors business to our exhibitors because of one thing, QUALITY.

We found this to be true at every level of the conference.(Not so much for the food though)

All in all it was well worth our investment.We have received several rfq’s for machined parts already.

We hope to go back next year.If you want information and dates, click on the link below.

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